Operating a small, family-owned theater isn't always easy.

But with so much uncertainty about the future, Bruce Gregory continues to keep a positive attitude.

He owns the Cinema Saver in Endicott.

"Not knowing when we can reopen and what the guidelines are going to be is really frustrating. It makes it really hard to set up some kind of game plan," said Bruce Gregory, Cinema Saver Owner.

This week, Governor Cuomo called movie theaters, "less essential and more dangerous than gyms and bowling alleys."

But owners like Gregory who continue to wait for the go-ahead, spend thousands a week to keep their doors open.

"We are using up our own personal savings and going into debt to keep the theater afloat. We don't know how quickly or how feasible it'll be to pay all that back," said Gregory.

For more than 25 years, The Cinema Saver has offered families a cheap alternative with tickets under $5.

To help bring in some income, the Cinema Saver has been offering curbside popcorn and slushie pickups.

Gregory says he's been blown away by the community support.

"It has really touched our hearts how much support the community has given us, and right now we're asking that you continue that support," said Gregory.

As he continues to wait, Gregory also took extra steps by upgrading the filtration system.

"We have put MERV 11 filters in the HVAC units, we've maximized the outside air coming in so we're as safe as possible. We're in the safety standards that the National Association of Theater Owners has put fourth," said Gregory.

While the future is still uncertain, Gregory is confident there's light at the end of the tunnel.