The town of Elbridge now has two positive cases of the coronavirus.

Up until today the town had stood alone as the only one COVID-19 free town in Onondaga County. With nearly 6,000 people, residents have been successfully social distancing and heeding the guidance of county and state leaders.

“It’s disappointing that the streak has stopped in Elbridge, I’ll have to talk to the town supervisor to see what happened there,” said Onondaga County Executive Ryan McMahon.

It’s been a month since the first positive test in the county and now, the coronavirus finally made its way to the town of Elbridge.

“I think we did do our social distancing for quite a long time,” said Elbridge Town Supervisor Vern Richardson. “I can see a lot of people doing that everywhere I think that paid off that's why we're the last town in the county to get it.”

Some residents were concerned about the positive attention Elbridge was getting when it was the only town without a confirmed case and they began seeing strangers in their grocery stores.

“We had other people come out that was a concern for our residents, more people would be coming into our town, which they obviously did, whether they brought it into our town we don’t know,” said Richardson.

But the town supervisor doesn’t want neighbors to feel that weeks of good behavior has gone to waste.

"I would say continue what you’re doing,” Richardson said. “We did hang tough for a long time thats something to be proud of only go out for when you have to absolutely.”

“It was a strange anomaly for a long period of time there, Elbridge hung tough for a while,” McMahon said. “Now, we have to make sure those two people get better and recover.”