It's not what you would expect to see at a ski resort in the middle of January, but recent warm temperatures have made the grass show through at Four Seasons.

"People always look in our backyard and want to see snow and they haven’t seen in- which affects people coming in the door here," said Four Seasons Owner John Goodfellow.

Goodfellow says business has been slower than usual. To manage the lack of snowfall, they make their own.

Fighting against warmer weather isn’t new for Four Seasons. In fact, it's something they prepare for. Some spots on the mountain, there is up to three feet of snow."

“We make a lot to get through this period of time," said Goodfellow.

Goodfellow says that without the equipment, there wouldn't be any snow on the ground.

"We've invested heavily in the snow making,” said Goodfellow. “It’s changed tremendously that one snow maker, we bought that last year which makes a lot more snow in a shorter period of time."]

But even with the tools to fight Mother Nature, they still struggle to bring people to the slopes.

"Our hardest part here is convincing people that we do have snow that we do make snow and we make it as you can see we have the machines out there ready to go again," said Goodfellow.

They plan to make snow this week to be open again by the weekend weekend.