Deborah Faust works at the Mental Health Assocation in New York State, and it's a job she takes seriously.
"I'm a person who has a family member who manages a rather serious mental health condition," Faust said. "The work that I do is meaningful to me not just professionally but personally."
Faust, and the association, believe effective treatment comes from considering more than just one issue, such as supporting healthy reconnections with family and friends.
"It really is about looking at the wholeness of a person's life, and how that contributes or influences their ability to recover, and have a sense of well-being, and to manage their condition," said Faust.
Treating mental illness is at the forefront of conversations nationally and locally. Herkimer County Community College is now offering the CarePath Coach Certification course.
"Whether we're talking about mental health, whether we're talking about addiction, they now have much more skill set to address that and to engage individuals. We think that's incredibly powerful," said Glenn Liebman, the CEO of the Mental Health Association in New York State.
Herkimer County Community College is the first college to offer this certification course and that's something the school takes pride in.
"The end result is that when our students graduate and then they are out in the work force that they are ready to provide the appropriate support and services day one," said the Herkimer County Community College President Cathleen McColgin.
"Once people understand the process, and learn how to manage their mental health condition or their substance use, the family thrives," Faust said.
The program will be offered to Human Services majors during their final semester starting in Spring 2020. Anxiety and depression are two mental health issues common among young people today.