Onondaga County is the latest to introduce a new arraignment process. Suspects can now be arraigned during off-hours at a centralized location.

This, after a 2010 Court of Appeals ruled that suspects taken into custody have the right to an attorney at every arraignment.

Spectrum News caught some of that process, Tuesday, when Joseph Stanton was arraigned for the death of a Liverpool man. 

Court officials say the new process will prevent suspects from spending long hours in jail, save taxpayers money and improve the safety of police when transporting suspects.

They also say, on average, there are about 12 to 15 arraignments a night under the new system which involve multiple municipalities.

"Everybody had to give a little. It's a new system. It's not one that maybe some people prefer or even some people thought had to be changed, but everybody has really worked kind of collectively to give a little bit and I think we've really come up with a product that's really good for the criminal justice system," said Jim Murphy, NYS Supreme Court Justice.

Oneida County has also introduced the new arraignment system.