CLARENCE CENTER, N.Y. — The families of the 50 people who lost their lives 15 years ago when Continental Flight 3407 crashed in suburban Buffalo gathered Monday night to honor their loved ones and celebrate how far they’ve come since Feb. 12, 2009.

It was a solemn moment in Clarence Center as family members filled with a lifetime of grief laid a wreath at the memorial site of the crash. 

"It’s being here with all the other people who also lost loved ones, and it kind of brings back extreme sadness of that day," said Marilyn Kausner.

She and her husband John Kausner lost their daughter Elly in the tragedy.

"She said to her boyfriend the night of the crash, 'If anything happens to me, will you take care of my cats?' That was a half an hour before the crash. So, I think they knew somehow," said Marilyn.

One by one, family members read each name amid the laid flowers and lit luminaria.

"We know the families so well and we’ve spent so much time together and we have talked about our loved ones, I feel like I knew them. Some of them more than others, but everyone hurts," Marilyn said. 

Family members fought for years for new legislation in Washington to make flying safer, and since that night 15 years ago, there has not been a single commercial passenger plane crash in the United States.

"Thank you for your work," John Kausner said. "America owes you a debt. Moms and dads and daughters and sons and brothers and sisters are home tonight, but they owe you debt."

After the ceremony, the families gathered at a nearby restaurant to recognize their successes.

Jennifer West’s husband Ernie died in the crash. Their daughter Summer was just 2 years old at the time. She's now 17, a senior in high school with perfect grades and ready for college next fall.

"It’s more about the positivity and how far we’ve come along instead of the sadness, it’s how many milestones. People have gotten married, they’ve had babies," West said. "So many things have happened in the past 15 years so we like to celebrate that."

Ron Aughtmon was also honored for his charity work, raising more than half a million dollars through the John Fiore Foundation in memory of his late uncle who lost his life on Flight 3407.

"It’s not the way we wanted to become family, but I am truly blessed to call you all family. Thank you so much," he said.