More than 200 workers walked off the job Monday morning at Xylem in Auburn as contract negotiations at the water technology plant have stalled out.

Members of the local steelworkers union, Local 9832, said management is trying to take away retirement medical benefits for senior employees and drop the 401(k) program, impacting younger workers.

The union members finally decided to strike after negotiations came to a standstill.

"Most of the younger people don't have a pension, and we're trying to get them to tack on to their 401(k) so they can get to their retirement age and have something," said Joe Urquhart, a Xylem employee for 29 years. "They don't have medical when they retire, so they're going to be accountable for that. We want them to be able to retire with dignity."

Auburn Police did have to show up early Monday, because the picketing workers were blocking part of the road, but they have since left the scene.

The union said it also came up with a plan to keep the business up and running at the start of the shutdown: staggering workforce, wearing masks, and temperature checks.