BUFFALO, N.Y. -- A team of city leaders and Buffalo homeowners is set to help protect people from being displaced by new development.

The city council introduced a resolution Tuesday to create the Affordable Rent and Housing Task Force.

University District Council Member Rasheed Wyatt wrote the resolution. His goal is to create a group to explore what can legally be done to stabilize rent prices in local neighborhoods.

The task force will include city officials, strategic housing and planning specialists as well as community members.

While some leaders want to continue the development boom going on in Buffalo, they also say residents must be protected.

"You know have areas where the rent a few years ago was $400, now the rent is about $1,100," said Darius Pridgen, (D) Buffalo Common Council president. "The people who are there, their rents didn't double or triple, but their rents are."

"We're going to go out and start listening, have this dialogue how we can craft legislation or work with developers to see how we can combat this issue without displacing anyone," said Wyatt (D). 

He says Pridgen is currently in the process of appointing task force members.