BUFFALO, N.Y. -- Since November, a federal injunction has kept the New York State Cannabis Control Board from issuing Conditional Adult Use Retail Dispensary licenses in five regions of the state.

However, last week an appeals court lifted the order for four of those regions and days later the board awarded 13 licenses in the previously blocked regions, including four in Western New York.

"Just mentally the stress of not knowing what's going on and having it in such limbo was stressful," Buffalo business owner Aaron Van Camp said.

Van Camp was heading back Tuesday from New York City after attending Monday's control board meeting. He said he was extremely happy and surprised to finally get approved.

"I just didn't think it was going to happen. [It was a] total surprise that they lifted the injunction. Very happy but I was very close to the point where I wanted to pull my application back and ask for a refund because I just thought it was like not going on at all," Van Camp said.

He said with the lawsuit out of the way, he was confident in his application score. Van Camp spent seven years in prison for a marijuana-related conviction and owns and runs a bottle and can return store in good standing with the state.

"Both are requirements for the CAURD applications and I see why because they basically, they want to make sure they're getting the money and they want to look out for people. I feel like they're trying to right wrongs that have been done to people," he said.

Now, he's trying to get things up and running, he hopes as soon as next month. Van Camp believes the biggest obstacle is finding a suitable location the Office of Cannabis Management will approve.

He is foregoing assistance from the Dormitory Authority but can't pick a location within 1,000 feet of property DASNY has already selected. He also recognizes some landlords and neighborhoods may be apprehensive about the new industry.

"If anyone's out there and they see the interview and they have a property, hopefully, in the  Elmwood Village or a nice business district with good walk-up traffic, we're interested. Contact us. If you want us, we want to be where we're wanted," Van Camp said.

He said there shouldn't be any issues finding employees or state licensed suppliers once the building is ready.