Western New York political operative Michael Caputo is back in Washington, D.C., accepting a government communications post in the middle of the coronavirus pandemic.

Caputo was sworn in Tuesday as the new Department of Health and Human Services assistant secretary for public affairs.

Caputo most recently worked as an adviser to Donald Trump's 2016 presidential campaign and stayed loyal to the president when questioned by Congress and Special Counsel Robert Mueller's team over alleged Russian interference in the presidential campaign.

Politico is reporting the White House installed Caputo to assert more control over HHS Secretary Alex Azar. According to the report, some in the White House believe Azar is behind critical media coverage of the president's handing of the coronavirus outbreak.

Azar himself took to Twitter to welcome Caputo to the department.

Caputo tells Spectrum News he's honored to take over such an important role in the middle of this crisis, and will do his best not only for the president but the American people.


Caputo said he did not want to do an extended interview about his new job amid the national crisis. Erie County Comptroller and congressional candidate Stefan Mychajliw served as an "unofficial" spokesperson.

Mychajliw said he has discussed the new position with his friend Caputo. It's his understanding the job will deal directly with coronavirus messaging.

"President Trump feels as though he's not getting his shake from mainstream media," he said. "He's calling it fake news and so he's going to have another tool in the toolbox, in a seasoned professional like Michael Caputo, getting his message out to the masses."

Mychajliw said he believes Caputo will be part of the coronavirus task force daily press briefings.