ROCHESTER, N.Y. — Cassie Sneider loves showing pictures of her nephew, Jimmy. She adopted him seven years ago. Jimmy is on the autism spectrum and sometimes has loud outbursts. 

"It’s always worried me that one day some bystander might hear something and call police and something tragic would happen," said Sneider. 

What You Need To Know

  •  Database available on Ontario County Sheriff’s app

  • Caregivers can enter their loved ones information into the registry, uploading everything from potential triggers to photos

  • More than 50 families have signed up for Handle with Care

That worry led Sneider to reach out to local law enforcement. Eventually, she partnered with the Ontario County Sheriff’s Office and together they created the Handle with Care registry. It provides critical information to officers before they respond to calls. 

“Before, it was always a reactive thing. An officer would go to a call and find this information out," said Undersheriff Michael Rago. 

The registry is available through the Ontario County sheriff’s app. Caregivers can enter their loved one's information into the registry, uploading everything from potential triggers to photos. Having this information upfront makes responding to calls easier and safer for everyone involved. 

“A lot of instances of folks who are special needs and Black not being handled with same care that a white person might," said Sneider. 

The sheriff’s office says more than 50 families have signed up for Handle with Care. Sneider hopes it continues to grow, leaving no parent to worry about their child’s safety. 

“One day he won’t be a 10-year-old boy," said Sneider. "My hope is to prevent something in the future. If not for my kid, then someone else’s.”