Three-thousand schools in New York are now eligible to provide free breakfast and lunch to all of their students.

Prior to September, only schools with 40% of families in a certain income level could offer free meals to all students. The United States Department of Agriculture has lowered that threshold to require only 25% of families.

Robyn Brady, Winchester Potters Elementary School principal, works in a district impacted by the change and said it is huge for children's well-being. 

“It goes beyond reading and math and any of those. Because we are here to teach the students. But we're here for them,” said Brady.

At her school, the halls are lined with attentive teachers and staff who get to know their students and can tell when they might need something to eat.

“If they're having a tough time, we make sure that we pass them off and say, ‘here, let's go have a walk.’ Or, ‘do you want to come eat breakfast with me?’ And really see if you can triage a little on the way in the door,” said Brady.

According to, which is sponsored by the American Academy of Pediatrics, kids who eat breakfast are better at maintaining a healthy weight, score better on tests and have an easier time with their attention and memory.