Military cadences are being heard throughout the Buffalo and Erie County Naval and Military Park this week.

More than 100 sea cadets from across the nation are participating in the experience of a lifetime on board the park's naval ships. It's part of a national training week where kids can learn military training and other life skills.

The cadets get to learn and sleep on board the USS Croaker, USS Little Rock and USS The Sullivans.

"There's probably just a handful of units that get to train or drill on ships," said Lt. Ryan Caughill of the U.S. Navy Sea Cadet Core. "So for us, bringing a Navy program and being on a ship is the whole experience, right? The sound of revelry playing on the one MC or speakers on the ship, making announcements, sleeping in the racks, showering, eating. Except for going out, it's basically a fully functioning vessel. Them getting to train on board it and getting to add those tools to their skillset is something you are not going to find in many, many other places."

Once the cadets are done with this program, they will be able to travel the country to train with the Marine Corps, Coast Guard and the Navy.