The countdown continues for Phil Rumore, retiring this month after serving as president of the Buffalo Teachers Federation for more than 40 years.

What You Need To Know

  • Phil Rumore is retiring at the end of the month, as his term expires June 30
  • Rumore will have served as president of the BTF for 42 years
  • Rich Nigro will be taking the reigns as the new President on July 1

"It's something to both look forward to and look back on at the same time," said Rumore.

The retirement comes on the heels of negotiating and approving a new teacher's contract with the district.

It’s just one of many challenges and accomplishments throughout his tenure, yet he cannot point to just one highlight that defines his career.

"It's all cumulative, you know, there's isn't any one day, one thing, one event," said Rumore.

He does say he will miss the thousands of teachers he represents, as well as his office staff.

"And I think it sometimes, it comes to a point we have to say, ‘let me stop and take a breath and look around,’ and do some of the things that, I guess they call it a bucket list," said Rumore.

Rumore says he looks forward to traveling and catching up on a passion of his: Albert Einstein's theory of relativity.

Until then, he'll be spending time cleaning out his office, including dozens of his signature rubber duckies that line his office.

"I don't know how I got started with the ducks. I just always say to people, ‘don't make any ‘wisequacks’ please about my ducks,’" said Rumore.

All joking aside, Rumore has a message for incoming President Rich Nigro, recent winner of a runoff election.

"Always be receptive to what people are saying. But at the same time, don't be afraid to do what you believe to be the right thing to do," said Rumore.

Rumore's term expires June 30.