Plans are now in place to make sure those impacted by the Tops mass shooting are never forgotten.

The Tops supermarket on Jefferson Avenue looks completely different today than it did a year ago, and company president John Persons says they knew if they were going to rebuild on what is a place of loss and devastation, it had to be unrecognizable.

Currently inside the supermarket is a water wall, honoring the 10 people who lost their lives inside the market that day.

Tops says it has always planned to build a more permanent memorial where people can come, say a prayer, remember those who died, and show their support.

Construction will be next month at the place where so many have done just that over the past year.

"We as a company always knew that in the very beginning the community used the corner of Jefferson Ave. and Landon as sort of a makeshift memorial spot,” Persons said. “It appeared to us that meant as the most permanent honorable space for the victims and to remember what happened that day."

Persons says they hope to have construction completed by the fall.