Niagara County Health Department Director Daniel Stapleton is warning people about the flu season to come.

"Our seasonal flu typically mimics what they've done in the southern hemisphere of Earth, so we’re look at what is happening in Australia, New Zealand, and so on and what they've experienced for their flu season which comes before us is it's been a very aggressive flu season,” he said.

Stapleton expects a lot of people will get infected and it could be particularly hard hitting for children.

"Part of the belief is that children haven't been exposed to the virus from the flu the past couple years to build up the antibodies, the protection if you will," he said.

Stapleton says their immune system might be weaker because they haven't been in school or were less exposed due to mask wearing.

He says the elderly and those with a weakened immune system are also at more risk, and people in those groups can consider a "super shot.” 

"Always talk to your medical provider about whether or not you should get that type of stronger vaccination," he said.

Experts say now is the time to get the flu shot.

"There's no reason to delay getting your seasonal flu shot,” Stapleton said. “It's readily available, whether it's from your doctors, whether it's from your pharmacy.”

Stapleton says you can get your COVID-19 booster at the same time as your seasonal flu shot.