BUFFALO, N.Y. — Planet Earth is a beautiful place, but sometimes that beauty gets hidden beneath litter, which is as much of an environmental problem as it is an eyesore.

In honor of Earth Day, the Tool Library is partnering with the Western New York Trash Mob to hold a cleanup contest through the weekend that’ll use friendly competition as means of showing some much-needed care and respect to the environment. Cleanup tools will be provided to individuals or groups who register.

“Events like this give people a reason to kind of look around their whole community and see what small stuff they can do to make an impact, even if it’s just making their neighborhood a little nicer to walk around every morning,” Alex Elhage, Tool Library volunteer. “There’s obviously big issues that we feel we can’t necessarily tackle as individuals, but events like these kind of let us all come together and, in our own small ways, make a larger impact.”

This is one of a series of eco-conscious events the Tool Library is holding this year, as its volunteers are dedicated to raising awareness about ways to care for the planet. From renting out tools, to showcasing art installations made from recyclables, the team likes to keep things green around here.

“Being aware of our impact on the environment is of importance in a lot of different projects that we do here at the Tool Library,” said Elhage. “Just the fact that we have tools available to rent so that people don’t have to buy them. Even if they’re going to be using them one time and then they’ll let them sit in their closet, it’s one of the small ways that having the Tool Library helps us limit our environmental impact.”

While most people don’t see the reward in cleaning up someone else’s trash, the Earth Day Cleanup Contest will come with some perks — besides the gratification that comes with doing a good deed.

“There’s going to be a variety of different prizes that you’re going to be able to kind of choose when you get there if you win,” said Elhage. “It’s going to be basket prizes from local businesses as well as donations to local nonprofits.”

When it comes to making Earth a better home for everyone, no effort is too small.