A group of local families are suing New York state to remove masks in schools.

Attorney Jim Ostrowski is representing 24 families in a federal lawsuit against Gov. Kathy Hochul and several other officials.

They're seeking a court order to lift the mandate in schools, as well as monetary damages. They also want an order declaring no mandates like it can ever happen again.

Despite CDC studies that show face masks are effective at controlling the spread of COVID-19, the group claims otherwise, and says masks are harming children instead both mentally and physically.

Ostrowski also said Western New York schools outright ignored a January state Supreme Court order barring enforcement of the mandate in schools.

"This is a disease of primarily older people and people who have morbidities,” Ostrowski said. “It is primarily not a disease of the young, but the young have suffered disproportionately. Their youth has been taken away. And there's never been a worse time to be a youth in America under this lockdown." 

According to the lawsuit, New York is one of less than 12 states enforcing a child mask mandate.