BUFFALO, N.Y. — ​On Friday, a state judge heard oral arguments in a case regarding the future of Enterprise Charter School.

After the Buffalo Board of Education decided to not renew the school's charter back in March, Enterprise Charter fired back with a lawsuit.

The school was technically scheduled to close on June 30 when the charter expires.

But on Friday, the Judge issued an extension of a temporary order to prevent that closure.

The board says their reason for closure is because of low achievement and proficiency rates over time.

However, Enterprise alleges that Buffalo Public Schools did not take the right steps and follow correct procedures when making its decision. The suit also claims Buffalo Public Schools failed to monitor the school throughout the charter term and provide feedback on progress and conduct proper site visits.

An attorney for Buffalo Public Schools argues they feel as though they made the appropriate assessments despite any possible procedural issues and their decision stands.

BPS says it is ready to assist in school placements for Enterprise students.

This case will be back in court on June 23 for a preliminary hearing.