As the news spreads that Joe Biden is projected to be president, people are discusings the fact that he would be only the second Catholic president of the United States. 

What You Need To Know

  • Joe Biden is projected to be the next president of the United States

  • Catholics discuss the fact that this would make Biden the second Catholic U.S. president

  • Parishioners says that moving forward, they would like to see more unity and love

"My first thought today is to pray for our country, because I think we’re all feeling the divided nation that we are. First and foremost, today, we’re praying that as we move forward now, we can come together," Monsignor David LiPuma, OLV National Shrine & Basilica pastor and rector. 

Parishioners met for the first Sunday morning mass in Western New York after hearing that Biden was projected to defeat Donald Trump in the race for president. That would make Biden the second Catholic president of the United States, with JFK being the first. 

“I think with all of the division, hatred, violence, protests, you name it, I think love right now is the best thing that we can have. That’s one of the core qualities of being a Catholic. It’s inspiring, and it’s my hope and prayer that we see that through Biden’s presidency," says Peter Gonciarz of Depew.

"Love" and "positivity" are two words that keep coming up among parishioners. One of them, Bill Mahar, is letting everyone know who he is supporting by the mask that he is wearing to mass. 

"He has a very positive outlook on humanity," adds Mahar. 

He says that he would like to see everyone embody positivity. 

Biden has been very open about his faith.

Other parishioners said that they were nervous about sharing their thoughts on camera after mass, because they wanted to focus on the religious aspects of worship. They agreed that moving forward, in all leaders, nationally and locally, they would like to see more attributes of love and kindness.