Not everyone who lives on Grand Island is thrilled about the large e-commerce storage and distribution facility proposed for Long Road.
Some people who live there think it's going to create even more traffic and tie things up even more on the Grand Island bridges.
The Thruway Authority says the bridges are busy during the morning and evening commutes but can handle the expected increase a project like an Amazon warehouse could bring.
"This will be a local decision.,” said Matt Driscoll with the Thruway Authority. “What happens with this facility that's proposed to be built. But from our perspective, we welcome the traffic. Why? Because we don't get an appropriation. We receive no tax dollars from the taxpayers from the state of New York. We rely solely on toll revenue. So for us it adds to our business model."
The authority says cashless tolling has greatly improved congestion on the bridges.
Two public hearings are now on the books to discuss the issue, including one in two weeks with the town planning board. That time and location have not yet been set.
There will be another public hearing before the full town board on April 8.