The little league football coach who was shot and killed last August is now being honored in the city of Buffalo.

Norzell Aldridge, 36, was shot following a dispute on the corner of Koons Avenue and Sycamore Street.

From now on, that intersection will be known as Norzell D. Aldridge Way.

He was the coach and founder of the Beast Elite Ducks football team.

Many of the people there to see the sign being unveiled sported the team's colors and logo.

For people the people who knew Aldridge, they say the name of the sign fits, because just like when he coached, it's Nore's way.

"What coach Nore did…We preached being a kid value first,” said Douglas Hunt, the Beast Elite Ducks’ vice president. “You know, go home, do your chores, respect your parents. Things like that. So, you know, that kind of separated him from just being a coach. He was a role model as well."

"This is something that you can't swallow,” said Charles Murray, Aldridge’s father. “You won't be able to swallow this pill right here, but just knowing the fact, again, that he's been loved everywhere. Not only here in the city of Buffalo, but throughout. I mean, it's honored. It's an honor."

After losing their coach, members of the Beast Elite Ducks Mighty Mites program traveled to Florida in December and won a national title.