For weeks, people living in the town of Orchard Park have been concerned with a proposed double digit tax increase in the town’s 2020 budget. But they can now breathe a sigh of relief, after the town board approved a lower tax hike Wednesday night.

“Our budget is approved but we worked hard, it was challenging this year,” said Town Supervisor Patrick Keem.

The town’s 2020 tentative budget included a 12% spike in taxes. The development of a community activity center, set to be completed in February, was one of the major forces behind the jump. Since that tentative budget was filed, the board found new sources of revenue like adding rental fees for the new activity center. On Wednesday night, the board announced the tax increase now stands at 3.33%.

“That’s what the residents I think would focus most on, that’s what comes out of their pockets,” Keem said.

Before the board approved the budget, they held a public hearing for people to make a comment on the tax increase and the budget. No one spoke in favor of the budget. But one resident made comments against it, saying the activity center was the biggest hit to the budget.

“Don’t let the citizens get sucked into another fiscal black hole and your constant quest to improve our quality of life is starting to infringe on mine,” he said.

However, Keem says it’s been a long road to get the budget approved and he’s happy with the final result.

“I am very proud of the budget that we passed this evening,” Keem said.

The tax increase will help fund several things like payments for the new activity center and upgrades to town parks and playgrounds.