Roswell Park Cancer Center debuted a new victory bell so pediatric cancer patients can celebrate beating the disease.

Kayla Doll was just 4 years old in July 2018 when she was diagnosed with a rare but treatable kidney cancer.

After surgery, chemotherapy and radiation treatments, she celebrated being cancer free this past March.

And even though Kayla rang a bell when she first ended treatment, Roswell wanted to make sure that from now on the younger warriors that come through its doors can celebrate properly.

"I mean she's tiny. She couldn't exactly reach the bell,” said Lindsey Doll, Kayla’s mother. “Definitely is nice she gets to do it herself. We had to hold her up for the other bell. It's nice they get to do it on their own."

Doll said her daughter was a trooper throughout her treatments and stayed positive the whole time.