August 24, 2019 marked 10 years since two Buffalo firefighters lost their lives in the line of duty. Though a decade has passed, the city is keeping their memory alive and trying to prevent future tragedies.

“I think that sometimes people forget that not only has the fire department lost two good firefighters, but the families that have been left behind. We’re scarred for life," said Angie Heusinger, who’s overwhelmed by the support for her son Jonathan Croom.

The dome on Buffalo’s City Hall was lit red overnight to honor Croom and Buffalo Fire Lieutenant Charles “Chip” McCarthy, in addition to a memorial service at Saint Joseph Cathedral in downtown Buffalo.

The two heroes were killed fighting a fire at a building on Genesee Street.

Mayor Byron Brown held a moment of silence during his annual Reading Rules! Kids Summer Reading Challenge Wrap Up Celebration.

“We honor their service and their sacrifice,” Brown said.

“The fact that it’s been 10 years, sometimes people forget you know time goes by. You go on with your life. You live your everyday, and for me to have this type of a gathering after 10 years, sincerely with the fire department, with the community means everything,” Heusinger said.

As the Queen City remembers Croom and McCarthy, the Buffalo Fire Department says they’ve made changes to help ensure their firefighters make it home safely.

“The most important strides that we’ve made as a department are in the areas of accountability and communication, personal protective equipment, things of that nature,” Buffalo Fire Commissioner William Renaldo said.

“I want to know that everyday, we have better technology, we have better equipment. That these firemen are not going into these homes by themselves, that we’re not losing any more firemen that nobody’s getting hurt, so yes it means a lot to me to know that they’re constantly improving. I do have faith that they have been doing that all along,” Heusinger said.

Renaldo says the department learned tough lessons during this tragedy but it’s translated into them being a safer department.