Niagara Falls City School District and Lancaster Central Schools were the only two in the area cited in a recent state comptroller's audit.

  • The comptroller's office spent three months at the district office
  • The audit is based on a 20-year-old law
  • Each district has until September 15 to correct their action

The report found 19 districts across the state weren't doing enough to prepare for emergency situations.

Both local superintendents say the findings were paper-work and documentation-related, and had nothing to do with the day-to-day emergency procedures to keep kids safe.

Each district says it has corrected its mistakes.

"Parents want to send their most prized possession to school with the comfortability of knowing that they're going to return home safe and better educated. If we can't demonstrate that, than we're not meeting our mission," said Mark Laurrie, Niagara Falls City School District superintendent.

Laurrie says changes will go before the board of education for approval later this month, before heading to DiNapoli's office by September 15.