LEWISTON, N.Y. — Looking to spend some time in the Cataract City but don't want to shell out big bucks for a pricey hotel?
Here's an idea: Rent a college apartment.
Niagara University is now a designated Airbnb site.
The private school launched the program last month with three on-campus apartments, but there's a catch.
All accommodations, online and onsite, are managed by students.
It's all in an effort to give those with a passion for the hospitality industry some experience.
"I want them to understand that it's just not about providing them accommodations, but it's the little things that they will remember and the guests will appreciate,” said Michael Jeswald, program coordinator and Niagara University professor. "And that, to me, is what separates the good ones from the great ones."
The apartments are available until July 28 and those interested in checking them out can click here to register.
More information about the program itself is available by contacting Niagara University’s Center for Conferences and Events at 716-286-8705.