SALAMANCA, N.Y. -- Leslie Finch was sentenced Friday to 20 years in prison for the death of her daughter, Mila Whipple.

Finch, convicted of manslaughter and assault, sat quietly in court Friday while Whipple's paternal grandmother berated Finch for taking the girl's life.

Cattaraugus County District Attorney Lori Rieman says Whipple stopped breathing because of severe injuries caused by Finch in April 2015.

"It's never going to be enough, to be honest, I mean, I think it should be life, but I understand it within the law the judge did what he was required to do, I wished it was 25 because I think she could still have children or access children when she gets out no matter how old she is," said Rieman, R-Cattaraugus County.

Rieman says this case, tragic as it is, should remind anyone who suspects a child might be in danger to call CPS.