MALONE, N.Y. -- The North Country has a new way for law enforcement and prosecutors to share information that could help them fight crime better. 

Local and state police, along with other state officials, came to see the North Country Crime Analysis Center opening in Malone.

This center will serve agencies Franklin, Clinton, Essex, Jefferson and Saint Lawrence Counties, including St. Regis Mohawk Tribal Police.  

Crime Analysis Center employees will be able to access data like crime reports, DMV records as well as arrest and probation records, and give that data to investigators to help solve crimes. 

The center is meant to help law enforcement more effectively use resources and save time investigating crimes. 

"It's the analysts developing information, but then it's the partnership between the centers and the analysts and the police working together, have just really led to a tremendous amount of success stories," said Mike Green, Division Of Criminal Justice Services commissioner.

The center is one of seven across the state that will work with each other, and Oneida County is the next planned location for a CAC. Project leaders hope to expand these crime centers to cover the entire state.