The legend of basketball hall of famer Bobby Wanzer lives on among his family, friends, former players and colleagues. The longtime coach at St. John Fisher College died Saturday at the age of 94. Time Warner Cable News reporter Mike Hedeen has more on how fans are remembering Wanzer for more than his basketball pedigree.

PITTSFORD, N.Y. -- At the Church of the Transfiguration in Pittsford, people came to pay their final respects to Bobby Wanzer. The mourners included lifelong friends, many of whom are Wanzer's former players.

Wanzer was the first coach at St. John Fisher College, spending 24 years guiding the men's basketball team. Those who played for the legendary coach say Wanzer had a huge impact on their lives.

"Other than my parents, Bobby had the greatest impact on my life. He was the forerunner of servant leadership, a quiet, humble guy who led by example. Not a lot of words, never talked about his basketball pedigree, just lived his life by example," said former player Rick Salomone.

There was very little mention of Bobby Wanzer's basketball accomplishments during his funeral service. Instead, his focus was on his love for family.

Wanzer was a five-time all-star guard with the Rochester Royals. He was a member of the Royals 1951 NBA championship team and was inducted into the Naismith Basketball Hall of Fame in 1987. In his nearly quarter-century coaching at St. John Fisher, he rarely talked about his pro-career. That's until the end of season dinner Wanzer and his wife Nina hosted at their home.

"We would beg and beg and beg until he would bring out the 16 millimeter films of him playing. I had the great honor of being there when he got inducted into the Basketball Hall of Fame to represent the college and it was an amazing experience to see him on the stage Pete Maravich, Rick Barry, Walt Frazier and it certainly way overdo," said Salomone.

Wanzer's legacy lives on at Fisher. The basketball court is named in his honor and his number nine Royals jersey is on displayed in the gym.  

"We honor and respect him simply by being good, humble people, by making sure that you put your family and the people that you care about first and foremost and if we do that and our student athletes have a good experience then I guess we're pretty fortunate," said Rob Kornaker, St. John Fisher College basketball coach.

In his homily, Father Rob Bourcy said Bobby Wanzer's life hasn't ended, it continues on a special court in heaven.