It's been a little more than a year since the Lexington Green neighborhood in West Seneca 

was flooded after ice jams caused the Buffalo Creek to overflow its banks. As Time Warner Cable News Reporter Kevin Jolly

tells us, the recent snowfall and sub zero temperatures has residents worried it could happen again.    

"It's very scary. The snow itself doesn't bother me, it's when it starts melting. That's my problem. The creek is liable to overflow again and we're gonna be in big trouble," said Lou Monaco.

Lexington Green resident Lou Monaco is worried about a repeat of last year flood, when the frozen Buffalo Creek came rushing over it's banks following a freeze and thaw.

"The creek backed up it flooded. I don't know ice jammed and there was nobody around here remove the ice, no (unintelligible), no ice breakers, nothing. It all came here and it destroyed us," says Monaco.

Dozens of homes were flooded. Many residents like Audrey Petri suffered thousands of dollars in damage.  

"The money that we spent I mean we can't go through this again. I mean, I had no insurance and I spent like $20-thousand, and I lost a Corvette," said Audrey Petri.

"Right now  I am standing on top of the berm that the US Army Corps of Engineers put in last year. It's the only barrier separating the creek from the residents. But the residents we talked to say they're cautiously optimistic that this is going to prevent another flood."  

"The berms that are there I think they're temporary. I thought they were gonna do something more permanent, but the town has sort of wiped us off I think," said Petri.

" Look how much snow we've had and we've yet to have any kind of melting," said West Seneca Town Supervisor Sheila Meegan.

West Seneca Town Supervisor says town is concerned and preparing for possible flooding all over.      

"The town is doing its best to continually monitor reach out to Senator Schumer for the amphibious vehicle. We're also working with the Army Corps  of Engineers," said Meegan.

"Meegan says meeting is planned with the DEC and all the local emergency agencies to make sure they're all ready if when any flooding occurs. In the meantime, Lou Monaco says he got his own way of preparing.

"The Father, The Son, and The Holy Spirit, Amen. What else can we do," said Monaco.

In West Seneca Kevin Jolly Time Warner Cable News.