BUFFALO, N.Y. — Few can forget the encounter between a protester and Buffalo Police that was caught on video. Martin Gugino, 75, is the man seen in the video allegedly being pushed by officers Robert McCabe and Aaron Torgalski.

Gugino is then seen falling to the ground, hitting his head. He suffered a fractured skull and now walks with a cane. 

The officers involved are facing assault charges. 

For the first time since June, Gugino is participating in demonstrations. He says the two officers who pushed him are part of the systemic issues within the Buffalo Police Department. 

"The whole system is wrong, they're all taught to the do the wrong thing," said Gugino.  

Though being the subject of the viral video was not his intent, he says it has helped the world see what he believes is broken about the system. 

"The police have violence on their side, we have video," said Gugino. "Cameras! That is what we are going to overcome violence with."

The court case against officers Robert McCabe and Aaron Torgalski is still pending.