Both Buffalo and statewide leaders have issued statements on the passing of Georgia Congressman and civil rights leader John Lewis.

"I am deeply saddened by the passing of Congressman John Lewis. He stood on the front lines in the fight for equal rights and was a champion for positive change in our country," said Buffalo Mayor Byron Brown. "Congressman Lewis was a brilliant example for Black leaders and a hero to the disenfranchised. He was the moral conscience of the U.S. Congress.  He will be sorely missed, please join me in remembering his life and legacy."

"It is painful to lose Congressman Lewis at a moment when we need him the most," said Governor Andrew Cuomo. "But as we continue working to realize Congressman Lewis' 'beloved community,' I find comfort in knowing his legacy — of principle, faith, and the righteousness of good trouble —  Lives in the hearts and actions of the countless Americans who were inspired by him and loved him." 

“Congressman John Lewis was an American legend, whose courage and leadership in the civil rights movement and the House of Representatives laid the foundation for a more equal and just future," said Senator Kirsten Gillibrand. "While today our country mourns the loss of an icon, John Lewis’ legacy will live on in every American who believes in and fights for freedom and justice.”