If you feel like you're working harder during these high temperatures you're right, and your heart is taking the brunt of it.
"The effect of heat on the cardiac system is quite profound," Dr. Vijay Iyer said, the Director of Cardiology for Kaleida.
Iyer says that when your body starts to overheat, your heart is the muscle that works to cool you down.
"So that you can lose the heat by increased blood flow to your skin, for most normal people that means increased heart rate and perspiration," Iyer said.
Dr. Iyer also says to avoid heat stroke and heat exhaustion, stay hydrated, make sure you can find a cool place if you're going to be outside for longer periods of time and to eat smaller meals. If you have cardiovascular problems, stay out of the heat as much as possible and to be aware of the warning signs of heatstroke.
"Nausea, vomiting, they might feel light-headed and they may even pass out," Iyer added.
All of this is compounded by the fact that people are encouraged to wear masks to protect themselves and others from the coronavirus. For many, this is the first time dealing with a face covering in high temperatures.
"The mask increases the heat around the facial area, but the mask is extremely important right now," Iyer said.