BUFFALO, N.Y. -- Maggie's Bar and Grill, where a man was found shot outside the bar Sunday morning on Military Road, was shut down on Monday after a cease-and-desist order was issued by the Buffalo Police Department.
"If a business demonstrates that it cannot create an environment to protect the safety of its patrons, we will shut it down," said Mayor Byron Brown, D-Buffalo.
Investigators say the 22-year-old Buffalo man who was wounded was treated at the hospital and released.
The police department stated that over the past three years, there have been more than 40 calls placed to 911 reporting incidents inside or outside of the bar, including in Sept. 2015, when a man was stabbed outside the bar.
"Some of the things; fights, other disturbances, having to try and break up fights at the establishment, but our intent is not to shut businesses. It's to work with businesses, which our police and other agencies tried to do, but the shooting was the final straw," Brown said.
Brown had used the city's "Peace and Good Order Statute" on several other occasions to temporarily or permanently close bars following shootings. He says it's been effective.
"I think we've gotten the attention of many of these establishments. We've made it very clear that we will not tolerate an environment in and around these establishments where their patrons are not safe," Brown said.
Brown says Maggie's could apply for reinstatement as early as Tuesday. He adds it won't re-open though until conditions are put in place that would make the city and community comfortable in its ability to protect customers.