BUFFALO, N.Y. — Some members of the Buffalo Common Council want to put the city's school zone cameras on hold for a while.

Common Council President Darius Pridgen and council members Rasheed Wyatt and Joel Feroleto say they continue receiving complaints from residents about the cameras and automated ticketing.

That's why the three introduced a resolution asking Mayor Byron Brown and the parking commissioner to consider putting the cameras' contract on hold.

But that resolution may not go anywhere.

Mayor Brown says there are no plans currently to change the program.

"I don't think it should be paused, I think we should protect our children, and I think we should follow through on the initial commitment that we made to the community to implement this program," Brown said.

The city temporarily suspended the program in all but one school zone because students are remote.

The only area still operational is the Buffalo Promise Neighborhood Children's Academy on Bailey Avenue.