School buildings have been closed since March, but kids and their parents have been hard at work learning from home. On Wednesday, teachers in Depew hit the streets to deliver a message — all while social distancing.

Fire trucks, two buses, and 80 cars filled with teachers wound their way past their student's homes one two different parade routes. They waived, honked, and yelled to families who came outside to enjoy the nice weather and say "thank you" right back.  

One parent said the coronavirus shutdown has given her new appreciation for educators.

"You know what it's been tough, the kids miss their friends and they miss their daily routines," parent Kaley Ferguson said. "It's been hard taking on the role of teachers. They do a lot for kids and we're just trying to do the best we can to fill their shoes." 

School officials also posted the student's senior portraits on the lawn of the high school as a special graduation treat.