BUFFALO, N.Y. — Sunday marks one year since the horrific events of May 14, 2022, when a gunman killed 10 Black people and injured three others at the Tops on Jefferson Avenue in Buffalo.

One of the people killed was a security guard and retired Buffalo police officer. Since that time, the friends and former colleagues of Lt. Aaron Salter have honored his name with a memorial scholarship fund. On Saturday, a half-marathon and 5K race are taking place to raise money for that effort.

"It’s very tough. It’s hard to digest and accept it as a reality," said Brad Pitts, a friend of Salter.

The reality for Pitts means life without his lifelong friend, The two grew up together in Buffalo, and as adults, worked together as members of the Buffalo Police Department.

"Aaron was a community-driven person and he still, at that point of his life, wanted to give back to the community," Pitts said.

Salter gave his life protecting the community. After retiring as a lieutenant, he was working as a security guard at the Tops supermarket on Jefferson Avenue when he was killed trying to stop a racist murderer on May 14 last year.  

"That unfortunate day, he was doing just that — helping, assisting carry groceries to the car for a citizen of the city of Buffalo," said Pitts. "And then he went back in when he saw the threat that was approaching and tried to help alert the people inside, try to be a protective barrier so that they could save as many lives as he could."

Vernon Beatty also worked with Salter on the city’s police force. Knowing Salter’s commitment to serving, Beatty wasn’t surprised by Salter’s heroic efforts that day.

"Seeing what he did and how he did it and didn’t hesitate — that’s a hero in my eyes," Beatty said.

In the days and weeks after the tragedy, Salter’s friends and colleagues came together to honor his legacy. They established the Lt. Aaron Salter Memorial Scholarship to help kids from the city of Buffalo advance their education. This Saturday, one day before the anniversary of the Buffalo mass shooting, they’re holding a half-marathon and 5K race to raise money for the cause.  

"We think what we’ve done to be our first year," Beatty said. "I think we’ll be pleased. People are going to be pleased."

Celebrities like Buffalo Bills Hall of Famer Bruce Smith and some of his teammates have joined the effort. They’ll be at the race this weekend.  

Then, on May 21 and 22, Smith is hosting his second annual gala and golf tournament to benefit the Aaron Salter Memorial Scholarship.

"This community will need us more than ever at this stage," said Smith. "And I’m not just talking about a week after the massacre, a month, six months. But now that we’re approaching the one-year anniversary, it is even more important that we stay connected and we show our love and support and compassion."

Smith was moved to tears last May when he visited the site of the horrific attack on a city he called home for so many years.

"We’ll have a lifetime of grief and pain and just not being able to understand why someone was filled with so much hate," Smith said.

The team behind the scholarship is also working on promoting resources for mental health as they work to pay tribute to Salter’s life.  

"We call it planting the seeds of Aaron, growing new Aarons, developing new Aarons, and that’s something we’re committed to do as long as we can," said Pitts.

More than 400 people are expected to run in The 5/14 5K and Half-Marathon on Saturday in Buffalo. The course goes along Main Street from Canisius to Delaware Park. Walk-up registration will be available.

For more information about the race, the golf tournament and how you can help, click here.