Gov. Kathy Hochul signed a bill into law Friday that makes a change to the state's Extreme Risk Protection Order law, also known as the Red Flag Law on guns, her office announced.

The Red Flag Law, signed by Hochul in June 2022, aims to prevent those who show signs of being a threat to themselves or others from purchasing or having firearms.

The new change exempts applications for an Extreme risk Protection Order from requiring an index number fee. By eliminating this, Hochul said the enacted legislation aims to ensure there is no financial barrier for New Yorkers filing those applications.

“Red Flag Laws play a critical role in keeping our communities safe by allowing concerned individuals to raise awareness about potential threats,” Hochul said in a statement. “This piece of legislation will ensure increased accessibility with a more straightforward process for New Yorkers to take proactive measures in preventing harm and promoting public safety.”

In data released by state court officials in June, here has been a minimum of 300 applications for risk protection orders each month since August 2022, as well as applications approved. The numbers peaked in March this year with 544 applications and a combined 543 orders approved. 

“In eliminating needless, onerous fees associated with Extreme Risk Protection Order applications, this legislation better empowers community leaders to take preemptive action and ensure firearms are kept out of the hands of dangerous individuals," state Sen. James Skoufis said.


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