Lonnie Park from the Southern Tier had four Grammy nominations and three wins in his career including two this year.

“I learned heart and soul from a babysitter way back when and that’s how it all started," said Park.

He says he grew up surrounded by music not only in his home, but at church. Lonnie Park’s diverse instrument collection isn’t just for show, with his dog Zoey at his side, he records and produces music.

“The trusted studio companion. Nothing is recorded without her approval. She pretty much runs the house," he said.

He says he is working on a heavy metal record, a classical record, a cinematic record, a jazz ragga album. When he finishes a project, he hands it off to the next person.

“Somebody else will be working on that overseas; meanwhile, I'll open up my second project and be working with other people, without ever having to leave here and without them having to come here," said Park.

He says he started working with music in his teens.

“I’m from a small town where there wasn’t a giant music scene and a lot of people to foster that enthusiasm for music, I was self taught in so many things including having to record myself," he said.

Born and raised in Freeville, and after having his share of travel, he says he decided there’s no place like home.

“This is where my roots are, had I been born somewhere else I’d probably want to stay there its just my personality type, Park said. 

From his Tompkins County studio, he created work worthy of a 2021 Grammy, and he won another two earlier this year. Lonnie says he produces music because he loves it, not for the accolades.

“It’s a sense of validation that you’re doing something right, and to keep working hard and that’s something I love doing. So you put it on the shelf and get back to work," he said.

What’s next for a triple Grammy winner?

“The goal stays the same. Its always been learn more, get better, and make the best music you possibly can," Park said.