Papers have surfaced in a 3 1/2-year-old case looked at by Syracuse Police. The focus being some of those working at the district attorney's office. Bill Carey says it revolves around the tale of a musician, a video camera and a speech at a Christmas party.

SYRACUSE, N.Y. -- For some, Mark Angiolillo is a familiar face. He has been a figure on the local music scene for years.

He sometimes makes some extra money playing piano for private parties. He was doing just that in December of 2011 at Dinosaur Barbecue, where Onondaga County District Attorney William Fitzpatrick gathered with his staff for a Christmas party.

During a break at the piano, Mark listened as the DA made an impromptu speech.

"He was kind of funny, so I broke open my little, it was a Sony bloggie. It was a little video camera. I just got it," Angiolillo said.

He recorded a few minutes. But after the speech, he suddenly found himself pulled aside by several Fitzpatrick aides, including top assistant Rick Trunfio. Angiolillo said they told him they were confiscating his camera

"I thought he was joking around. He said, 'You know if you don't give it up, I can have a couple of my guys throw you out the window.' I said, no way. You know. Seriously," Angiolillo said.

The next day, Angiolillo found himself at the DA's office, being interrogated for 45 minutes. Asked if someone had put him up to the taping. It was later that day he received his camera back. It had been taken to a local crime lab and all video files had been wiped clean.

"I couldn't see why you just couldn't take the thing, delete it right in front of me. You could take that away. You don't have to take the thing, go and take me downtown, ask me about my whole life story. Make me all nervous and anything," Angiolillo said.

When Syracuse Police heard the musician's story they were in the midst of a very public battle with the DA over the Bernie Fine case. They added the latest episode to a series of items they wanted an outside prosecutor to look at. About 3 1/2 years later, no prosecutor has taken up that challenge.

Both the DA and Syracuse Police Chief Frank Fowler were on hand at a DA's Advisory Council luncheon on Wednesday. Neither willing to talk about this case, except for a brief quip from the DA:

"Hey, Henny. If Bill Carey is filming this, grab the film, please. And if he gives you any lip, throw him over the balcony," Fitzpatrick said.

The investigation, as the police report says, will continue.

In a comment to on the matter, Fitzpatrick called the Syracuse Police investigation "idiotic" and a "total waste of time."