RALEIGH, N.C. — From the spinning wheel of death to a motorcyclist on a zipline suspended in the air, there are no limits to the acts being performed at the Paranormal Cirque. 

What You Need To Know 

Paranormal Cirque is part of the Cirque Italia show  

There will be seven shows in Raleigh from April 7 - 10

The show is rated for a mature audience

The show is presented by Cirque Italia, a traveling horror-themed presentation. 

The show is making a stop in Raleigh, in the International Foods plaza off Olympia Drive, from Thursday, April 7 through Sunday, April 10. 

The show is rated for a mature audience, ages 13 and up, and teenagers must be accompanied by an adult. 

Tickets can be purchased on the Paranormal Cirque website.