CHAPEL HILL- Town leaders hope to add a splash of paint to pedestrian safety.

Road crews spent Thursday milling and repaving Cameron Avenue. They're prepping for what will soon be a brightly-decorated crosswalk. Town leaders will paint some crosswalks, in hopes of them standing out and grabbing drivers' attention.

"For someone driving through Chapel Hill that isn't familiar with the area and isn't familiar with how many pedestrians there are, I think that's a good visual cue," says UNC-Chapel Hill student Cate Alspaugh.

Officials tested a painted crosswalk on Willow Drive back in March. Last year, there were 21 pedestrian-involved accidents.

"There's a law you have to stop, but if people are stopping like 2% of 5% more, that's awesome for a safety standpoint," says student Davis Brown.

Painted crosswalks will also be installed along Rosemary and Henderson streets. Not all crosswalks will be painted the same.