Severe weather is not forecast for North Carolina this week, but many residents will be practicing what to do in the event of a tornado Wednesday morning.  The annual statewide tornado drill is scheduled for 9:30am Wednesday as part of Severe Weather Preparedness Week.

Most schools across the state are expected to participate in the drill, but it important for everyone to think about where you would go in the event a tornado warning for your location whether you are at home, work, or traveling.  

If a severe weather warning is issued for your area, you also need a way to receive that alert.  A NOAA Weather Radio with battery backup is one of the best options for receiving weather alerts. These devices are available at most electronic stores and will sound an alarm when a warning is issued for your county.  These are especially useful when there is severe weather overnight when many people are sleeping.  If you have a smart phone, you'll also want to make sure your wireless emergency alerts are turned on.

In the event of a tornado warning, you should seek shelter inside in a small, windowless room on the lowest floor of a sturdy building.  Basements, hallways, bathrooms, and closets often provide the best protection.

Know what you'll do now in the event of a tornado, so you are prepared for the next time severe weather strikes North Carolina.  Our state averages 26 tornadoes, 3 tornado fatalities, and 39 tornado injuries every year.