DAVIDSON COUNTY -- "Whoever the person in that video or whoever the person that guy is talking to on the phone, whoever is the most least involved we would encourage them to come forward," said Scott Williams, a special agent with the State Bureau of Investigation.

Davidson County Sheriff David Grice has joined with the State Bureau of Investigation to release security footage that was taped outside of Nancy Harvey's business, Atlanta Car Company 52 days prior to her murder.

"See this individual has a firearm, this one has a firearm and this one has a holster on with a firearm," said Sheriff David Grice, Davidson County.

Police believe these are the suspects in Harvey's death. Her body was found in Atlanta Car on January 25, 2013. Police say the motive was robbery but what the suspects were wearing isn't something they see all the time.                 

"They've got tactical vests on, the side arms around their ankle, or hip which is also something you don't see in everyday citizen walking around with," said Williams.

It took police just over three years to release the footage because of forensic analysis. The night this was recorded, a neighbor saw these people behind the business and told Harvey. She then called the Sheriff's office to report it.

"We offered to do money escorts and so forth, property checks. She was a very strong-willed lady and she said no and thought she didn't need the extra attention," said Grice.

Even though it's been three years since Harvey was murdered, police wants the killers to know they are getting closer by releasing this video to the public.

"This will be the first time that the people that committed this crime know that we have this piece of information and know that there's some pretty good physical features that help us narrow it down who it might be," said Williams.

"They know who they are. Perhaps someone else had some interaction with them during this time and could help us verify some information we have," said Grice.

Anyone with information is asked to contact the Davidson County Sheriff's Office at (336) 242-1900.