The King Snake can make a great pet for beginners. Lisa Chelenza has more about the King Snake in this edition of Pet Pointers.

The King Snake is one of the most common snakes bred for the pet trade in the United States. These small constrictors can make great pets for a novice reptile keeper. Exotic animal rescuer and educator Diana Sleiertin explains.

"They don't get particularly large, the largest they get is maybe five to six feet.  And while that may seem scary it's really never going to get more than the size of a quarter around.  They are very, very docile snakes and they are very friendly," said
Diana Sleiertin.

King Snakes can be found in various colors, some colors occur naturally while others happen thru breeding.
You should never keep more than one King Snake in the same enclosure -- or one will end up as dinner. Be sure you have at least a 20 gallon tank or larger, bigger is always better. And cold blooded reptiles also need an artificial heat source provided by a heat mat or ceramic heater.

Remember before you bring home any animal do your own research and be sure you have the time energy and resources to care for them properly and consider adoption and rescue first even when it comes to reptiles.