HONOLULU — The city’s Department of Customer Services’ Motor Vehicle Control Branch has seen a 65% decrease in usage of its Junk Vehicle Program and is urging residents to take up the city’s offer to accept unwanted vehicles for free. The reduction in use was noted over the past three years.

Approximately one in every five vehicles ends up along public roads, and the Junk Vehicle Program was designed to reduce the number.

“We really need residents to maximize use of the city’s free service to collect unwanted vehicles,” said Kim Hashiro, director of the city’s Department of Customer Services. “Abandoning a vehicle on public roadways is not only illegal, it’s also unsightly and unnecessary.”

To surrender a vehicle to the program, owners need only complete forms and turn in license plates, registration and title to any satellite city hall. The vehicle must be parked on the owner’s property or legally parked on a public street or property. Trash must also be removed from the interior. To be towed, the vehicle must be accessible with at least two inflated tires on the side accessible to the tow truck.

The owner is still financially responsible for any liens, criminal charges or citations.

Sarah Yamanaka covers events, environmental and community news for Spectrum News Hawaii. She can be reached at sarah.yamanaka@charter.com.