MOUNT HOLLY, N.C. — If you’re handing out candy for Halloween to trick-or-treaters, keep an eye out for a teal pumpkin.

What You Need To Know

  • Keep an eye out for teal pumpkins this Halloween
  • It’s a part of a campaign to raise awareness about food allergies
  • A Mount Holly mom says it can help ensure all kids enjoy trick-or-treating

The Teal Pumpkin Project raises awareness about food allergies.

According to the CDC, 8% of kids have at least one food allergy. That may not sound like a lot, but the CDC says that’s one in 13 kids.

Emily Miller's 3-year-old son Jackson is allergic to eggs.

Luckily, she says he can still eat a lot of Halloween candies, but a lot of other kids with food allergies can’t.

She suggests handing out toys or other non-food items.

“Know there’s many kids that have food allergies and you might just want to think of some alternatives that would be safe,” she said. “And if you don’t have any alternatives, then you might just want to think about a candy that has less allergens than other candies.”

Miller says she has spent 20 years in child care.

For the last 10, she’s owned her own business called Charlotte’s Best Nanny Agency.

She’s worked with many kids who also have allergies and wants them to enjoy Halloween too.

“We just want to make sure everybody is safe, whether they have food allergies or not, and just have a fun and safe Halloween,” she said.

She also says to check the label of the candy. Even if it’s one you are familiar with, she says it could have changed manufactures, so you always want to double-check the list of ingredients for possible allergens.