GREENSBORO, N.C. — In the push to help pollinators, a company is encouraging more people to plant gardens and let wildflowers grow freely.
Syngenta’s "Operation Pollinator" is designed to help pollinators by planting native flowers
“We also work with a lot of different organizations who work with farmers and golf courses to plant pollinator habitats,” Caydee Savinelli said.
They're encouraging people to replicate the program at home by planting their own gardens
Syngenta’s "Operation Pollinator" is a program with an international reach. It’s designed to help pollinators by planting native flowers.
Syngenta pollinator and IPM stewardship lead Caydee Savinelli oversees the Operation Pollinator garden on the company’s Greensboro campus, and she said it’s a powerful tool to help change the landscapes of our world.
“This is really to help the pollinators in the area. It’s also to stimulate other people to do the same thing. We also work with a lot of different organizations who work with farmers and golf courses to plant pollinator habitats,” Savinelli said.
She hopes to inspire as many people as she can to create their own gardens at home. She encourages homeowners to plant native flowers, and add small water features and spaces for habitats. She said every garden is a step in the right direction.
“People think ‘I need to have an acre.’ No, you can have a small space like this, and you can actually grow a lot of different plants,” Savinelli said.
According to Syngenta, there are hundreds of program habitats on golf courses throughout the country.