ELKIN, N.C. — Zoe Hall wears her battle scar with pride. At only 2 years old, Hall has already undergone a kidney transplant. You can imagine how scary that was for her parents, Bridget and Shane Hall.
What You Need To Know
- Zoe Hall was born with congenital nephrotic syndrome and would need a kidney transplant sooner rather than later
- Sarah Bruce is a longtime friend to the girl's mom and decided she wanted to donate her kidney if she was a perfect match, which she was
- Zoe Hall is going on five months post transplant and is happier and healthier than ever. Each week, Zoe Hall and Bruce meet up to play at the park.
“She was actually born early at 35 weeks on account of my health, and so, because she was early, she went to the NICU. And just through their routine blood work and test, they realized some of her labs weren't quite right and then she was transferred to the children’s hospital, where they then diagnosed her with congenital nephrotic syndrome,” Bridget Hall said.
What should be the first two terrific years of Zoe Hall's life were instead filled with fear, but nothing can keep her down.
“Before surgery, she didn’t have a lot of bad days despite her stage 4 kidney failure,” Bridget Hall said.
In swooped Zoe Hall's hero, Sarah Bruce, who would later become the little girl's donor.
“Honestly, it’s the easiest process I think ever. The recovery process after about two weeks I was basically back to normal,” Bruce said.
Bridget Hall and Bruce go way back. They met through a mutual friend about 15 years ago and have been in contact ever since.
Bruce's decision to offer up a piece of herself was one of the easiest she's ever made. After a few tests and a positive match, the longtime family friend knew what she needed to do; donate a kidney.
“Overall, it’s just super super easy and the reward you get after is far more than any pain you’ll ever experience,” Bruce said.“Overall, it’s just super super easy and the reward you get after is far more than any pain you’ll ever experience,” Bruce said.
Now, this family of three spends their Sundays with Bruce enjoying the laughter of their little warrior.
“Zoey is living a happier, healthier life because of her and she would not be where she is today if it wasn't for Sarah, and we are so thankful for her and love her so much,” Bridget Hall.
Sarah has become more than just friends to the Halls.
“She’s family to us now and forever,” said Bridget Hall.
"Zo" brave and "zo" strong, exactly what Zoe Hall and her warriors have been since the beginning.